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11: Synthica Energy- Renewable Natural Gas
Natural gas used to heat our homes, cook our meals and sometimes even to move our cars comprises mainly of Methane - a know...

10: Trustrace -Tracing For Fashion – Episode 2 of 2
We like to check in with some of our previous guests to see how their business has changed, what goals were achieved and...

9: Fiber 52 – Working With Nature For Sustainable Cotton
Cotton fiber and fabric is considered to be one of the most natural material. Given that, who would have thought that the process of...

125: Savesorb – Save Time, Money and the Environment
This episode was previously aired on April 23, 2023. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oil spills in our world where engines are omnipresent are almost inevitable. Larger accidental spills on...

8: Open Water – More Ocean Less Plastic
As we open our kitchen faucets and fill a glass with drinking water, we probably don’t realize that around 2 billion people globally do...

7: Sakhya – South Asian Fashion Resale
Friendship and support is what creates a community and a sense of belonging. That is exactly what our guest Priyasha Shah, Founder of Sakhya...

6: RODE Architects – Transformative Design Through Collaboration
In this episode we chat with Ben Wan, Principal at RODE Architects about the roles architects can play in reducing the impact of climate...
5: CRDC Global – Building a Better World
Most consumers are aware of the numbering 1 to 7, embedded in the recycle symbol under plastic items and they diligently put them in...
4: Reuse Action – Reclaimed and Surplus Building Materials
Urban flight in America in the 1960s resulted in downtowns having empty abandoned buildings and structures. The city governments had to eventually demolish...
3: Spot Detergent – Eco-Friendly On a Budget
Sustainable products are priced out of reach of most Americans. They cost the consumers more due to a variety of reasons - higher costs...
11: Ryan McPherson – University of Buffalo Climate Action Plan
Today we talk with Ryan McPherson, Chief Sustainability Officer at University of Buffalo. He heads the Climate Action Plan at the university. The University...
19: Suta – Woven Uninterrupted Simplicity
This episode was originally aired on February 18, 2020 Today we revisit an episode where we talk with co-founders Sujata and Taniya (Su and Ta)...

1: Palm Straw – Biodegradable Plant Based Straws
The firsts in our lives have a special place in our life experience. May it be the first job, first business venture, first car...

110: Junobie -Eco-friendly Reusable Breast Milk Storage Bags
As formula companies’ productions are limping back to normal, after the recall, a question some people ask is why can't mother "just" switch to...

10: The Tool Library – Borrow Tools. Build Community
The practice of manufacturing for planned obsolescence seems to be what most manufacturers in the present time follow. This means to make an item...
85: Sagent – Know What Your Network Knows
Repairing an item is an achievable and straightforward path to achieve sustainability goals. This "concept" is becoming more and more apparent with Right to...

109: Re – Air Pass the Honey – It’s Absurdly Good
"No Mow May..." in Buffalo and Western New York was a cooperative effort by neighbors, municipalities, and counties to stop residents from mowing their...

9: Ehlers Estate – Sustainable Winemaking
With summer fast approaching, sipping a glass of wine, we wondered about the practices of vineyards - a highly competitive and commercialized industry. Around...
8: Circular Design Consultants – Net Zero Homes
When Jodi Bakst and Cor Rademaker, co - founders of Circular Design Consultants had the opportunity to develop oa piece of land in North...
113: Re- Air Trustrace – Platform For Product Traceability
We talk with Shameek Ghosh, co-founder of Trustrace a platform that brings traceability and transparency to the fashion brands such as #Adidas, #Decathalon, and...

7: Loop And Tie – Gifting That Gives Back
Receiving a gift makes people happy, incentivizes and motivates employees, and builds corporate morale. Businesses give gifts for various reasons - a promotion, to...
6: Our Sustainable Home – Eric Corey Freed; Foundation and Windows
The cement industry puts out 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions, but having said that, it is very durable and technically made with natural...
5: eAgronom- Transforming Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
Carbon cycle occurs naturally in nature during photosynthesis. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen and when animals consume the plants they release the...

107: FabScrap – Recycling and Reusing Textile Waste
Today we revisit a conversation with FabScrap about the textile waste that ends up in landfills and how they try to reduce this phenomenon....

119: RheEnergise – High Density Hydro
Energy systems need to decarbonise to prevent climate change. There are many solutions to generate energy without using fossil-fuels, but renewable sources of energy...

125: Savesorb – Save Time, Money and the Environment
Oil spills in our world where engines are omnipresent are almost inevitable. Larger accidental spills on land and water have catastrophic effects on the...
124: Numi Organic Tea – Activating Purpose
As we sip our daily cup of tea, we may wonder how and where it was grown and its impact on our planet. Tea...
77: Black Earth Compost
As a way of welcoming Spring let's learn about composting, specially curbside composting. The result - a beautiful rich soil ready for your spring...

123: Honnold Foundation – Expand Solar Energy Access to Marginalized Communities
The risk assessments that governments and corporations make to encourage marginalized communities and uplift them, have themselves become a hurdle to the assistance that...
120: The Barefoot College Tilonia – Grassroots Community Organization
We just heard that “the Delhi High Court has granted an injunction in favor of Barefoot College restraining Barefoot College International (BCI) from using...

122: Reactive Surfaces – Bringing Surfaces To Life
Most US elementary school students learn about photosynthesis in their science class. The process is very simple - chlorophyll in the leaves and green...
121: Ocean Recovery Alliance – Environmental Engagement
We have this love-hate relationship with plastic. It is versatile, durable, light-weight and used in a multitude of applications. How do we recover and...
83: Rebel Nell – One of No Other Kind
We decided to re-air this episode on Valentine's Day. A gift that keeps giving - maybe order a unique piece of jewelry for someone...

104: Dr. Raghuram Rajan, The 23rd Governor of Reserve Bank Of India – Global Carbon Reduction Incentive
In honor of the 60th birthday of one of the world's top economists we re-air episode of Mindful Businesses podcast, featuring Raghuram Rajan. He...

4: Pioneer Millworks – Reclaimed and Eco-Friendly Wood
Rainforests are the earth’s lungs and forests are a huge part of the solution to climate change. But on the other hand, wood is...
120: The Barefoot College Tilonia – Grassroots Community Organization
In the winter of 2012, I had the good fortune of visiting Barefoot College Tilonia - located in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. It wouldn't be...
3: Our Sustainable Home – CABN – Net Zero Housing For All
In this episode, we talk with Jackson Wyatt, CEO of CABN - sustainable net-zero homes. We are in an housing crisis where traditionally built...
2: Our Sustainable Home – Rochester Passive House
What is a passive house? Is it economically feasible? Today we ask those questions of Matt Bowers of Rochester Passive House Consulting, a New...
29: Unpaste – Zero Waste Toothpaste Tablets
An important part of a sustainable lifestyle is developing sustainable habits - from brushing your teeth to the food you eat. This episode is...

82: Carbon8 Systems – Making Carbon Productive
Carbon is as Carbon does. In this episode let us find out how Carbon Dioxide residue from manufacturing processes can be utilized positively. This...

13: Malai – There is More to Coconuts Than You Think!
The materials used to make a product is as important for sustainability as the practices around it. In this series, we discuss and discover...

46: IceWind – Extreme Energy Solutions
A very important aspect to building a sustainable home is how we source our energy. In this episode we had spoken to Robert Gerber...

1: Our Sustainable Home – Eric Corey Freed – Living Centered Design
In this series Mindful Businesses - Our Sustainable Home, we will document the process and the choices a homeowner goes through in making their...
119: RheEnergise – High Density Hydro
Energy systems need to decarbonise to prevent climate change. There are many solutions to generate energy without using fossil-fuels, but renewable sources of energy...
17: Ricron Panels – Giving Value To Waste Plastics
Laminated film is used in a wide range of flexible packaging applications such as food pharma, personal care products, etc. and then disposed off....

118: Aquipor – Permeable Sustainable Concrete
In this episode we talk with Greg Johnson, co-founder and CEO of AquiPor. AquiPor's unique permeable concrete material in conjunction with proprietary engineering technology...
49: Othalo – The Future of Housing
As we are in the process of building and moving into a Sustainable House, here is an interesting episode on building systems that utilize...

117: Collective Crunch – AI Leader in Forestry
How do we know what forest comprises and value them? Presently the forests are inventoried using on the ground foresters data collected by them...
116: Rebellyous Foods – No Harm, No Fowl
The question we ask - why was meat production industrialized instead plant-based meat production. Plant based meat is far more eco-friendly that meat production....
115: Moonlight Technologies – Power of Nature for a Sustainable World
Nature is the best teacher. Imagine we use the power power of nature to create a more sustainable, safer, and healthier world. Imagine there...
62: Rhino Machines – Silica Plastic Blocks
As we start building our sustainable house we look for sustainable alternatives for bricks or pavers and other construction materials. Here is a...

105: AIRCARBON – From Greenhouse Gas to Regenerative Materials
With the Nord Stream pipeline leak spewing Methane, a greenhouse gas into the air recently, lets talk about how greenhouse gases are not necessarily...

41: Our conversation with Dr. Sroufe – Teaching Sustainability to Cities, People and Enterprise
An important aspect in building a sustainable home is educating oneself. How do we integrate sustainability in any enterprise -even homes? This episode...

80: Ferrock – Carbon Negative Building Material
As our host Vidhya Iyer is building a Sustainable home we re-air our episode from the 26th of October 2021 where we spoke with...

60: Cannon Design – Living Centered Design
Whether designing for equity in education, accessible healthcare, inclusive communities, new scientific discoveries or the “next big idea” in business, Cannon Design leverages a...

74: MPOWERD – The Power of Sun in Your Hands
As the Europe Energy Crisis sets in, causing financial havoc in the continent, here is an interesting episode on using the energy of...

79: Thermify – Smart Green – Using Energy Twice
Nothing makes one feel more at home than a nice warm bath. Tune in to learn Thermify helps warm homes and heat hot water...

84: Praan and Carboncraft Design- Purify Ambient Air and Upcycled Carbon Tiles
As we move into our Sustainable home we need to think clean-air and tiles! Take a listen to this week's episode to know more...

89: ECOSTP – Zero Power Zero Chemical Sewage Treatment
As we are in the process of building and moving into a Sustainable House, here is an interesting article on using sustainable practices to...

86: Forust – 3D Printing to Rematerialize Wood Waste
Today as the senate passes the much awaited climate bill, here is a much awaited sustainable alternative. take a listen to the episode. This...

70: Let’s Goat Buffalo – Changing the Landscape, One Bite At a Time
When we initially recorded this episode in June of 2021, our host Vidhya Iyer and Jennifer Zeitler - Founder and CEO of Let’s...

114: Wespire – Build A Better Working World
As a corporate leader what if you were told you could increase employee retention by over 30% by using behavioral and attitudinal nudges to...
113: Trustrace – Platform For Product Traceability
We talk with Shameek Ghosh, co-founder of Trustrace a platform that brings traceability and transparency to the fashion brands such as #Adidas, #Decathalon, and...
112: CCell – Growing Living Reefs for Coastal Protection
This summer when we visited our favorite beach in Indiana - Indiana Dunes National Park - with its immense sand dunes, we were saddened...
111: Puro.Earth – Carbon Removal Standards
As we try to reduce the carbon we put out into the atmosphere, these efforts should be accompanied by carbon sequestering and removal. Carbon...
56: Jeffrey Hollender – Seventh Generation
You cannot switch on the radio, TV or online news any day without a mention of sustainability or climate change. One of the...

62: Rhino Machines – Silica Plastic Blocks
Summer construction activity is at its peak in the US. And as we look for sustainable alternatives for bricks or pavers or other construction...

64: REVO ZERO – A Revolution Towards Zero-emissions
With all the talk of hydrogen as a green alternative, I wanted to go back and listen to an episode released almost exactly a...

110: Junobie -Eco-friendly Reusable Breast Milk Storage Bags
As formula companies’ productions are limping back to normal, after the recall, a question some people ask is why can't mother "just" switch to...
109: Pass the Honey – It’s Absurdly Good
Next time we grab a packet of honey to add to our tea - we should stop and think how a commodity so valuable...
108: Cerebelly – Science Backed Baby Food
Today we talk on our show with Dr. Teresa Purzner and Nick Langan, co-founders of Cerebelly who as parents of infants wanted to make...
107: FabScrap – Recycling and Reusing Textile Waste
Majority of the conversation around fashion waste revolves around finished products that end up in the landfill. But around 12 % that is...
106: The Buy Nothing Project – Buy Nothing, Build Community
Humans are inherently materialistic and seek happiness through objects, but what we get is enjoyment not happiness. Happiness tends to be more fulfilling and...
105: AIRCARBON – From Greenhouse Gas to Regenerative Materials
Our planet needs greenhouse gases (GHGs) that help trap the heat and keep our planet warm and without which, the earth would be a...
104: Dr. Raghuram Rajan, The 23rd Governor of Reserve Bank Of India – Global Carbon Reduction Incentive
The Nobel prize winning economist Dr. Milton Friedman, said the business of a business is making money - but within the acceptable social...
103: Kazi – All Across Africa – Woven Together
Alicia Wallace is the COO of Kazi, a Mindful Business she founded after years of working in emerging economies and seeing the need for...

12: Imani Collective – Global Social Enterprise Empowering Artisans
Africa with its rich arts and crafts have so much to offer to the world. We are excited to find online or in a...