93: CLIMATETRADE – Offset Your Carbon Footprint
Francisco Benedicto Valentine, CEO of CLIMATETRADE, shares with us the journey about how CLIMATETRADE connects companies willing to offset their carbon emissions to a large number of verified environmental...
91: The Washing Machine Project – Let’s Engineer a More Sustainable Future
70% of the world’s population lacks access to an electric washing machine. Hand washing clothes sounds like a simple task but for many women around the world, it poses a...
82: Carbon8 Systems – Making Carbon Productive
Each year, industries such as Waste-to-Energy, Cement and Biomass for power generation, send millions of tonnes of thermal residues to landfill. At the same time, these thermal processes produce...
81: Zeloop – The Eco-Friendly App That Rewards Goodness
We talk with Eric Schaffner, CEO and Founder of ZeLoop. A revolutionary and eco-friendly platform that makes consumers a crucial part of the plastic circular economy, allowing them to...
79: Thermify – Smart Green – Using Energy Twice
What if there was a new kind of data center that could directly warm homes and heat hot water, instead of a gas boiler? One that could use the energy...
73: Unrest – Some Ideas Deserve to Go Further, Faster
We talk with Orr Vinegold, founder of UNREST, driving impact through ethical & sustainable businesses. He is hugely passionate about turning businesses into a force for good. UNREST supports...
66: Bengal Muslin
Woven Air - as muslin was known in the 1600s...the Portuguese legend said it was the fabric woven by mermaids. What makes a fabric muslin? The original muslin was...
63: TOPUP TRUCK – Mobile Zero-Waste Shop
With a vision to shop plastic-free, Ella Shone (founder of TOPUP TRUCK) drives a milk float around Hackney, East London, refilling consumables that her customers pre-order. Ella and I...
61: Emoss – Future Inside
We talk to the energetic Karan Shah, director of Emoss, an Indo - Dutch company that is an independent supplier of fully electric and hybrid powertrains. Based on over...
8: Circular Design Consultants – Net Zero Homes
When Jodi Bakst and Cor Rademaker, co - founders of Circular Design Consultants had the opportunity to develop oa piece of land in North Carolina, they had the vision...