
82: Carbon8 Systems – Making Carbon Productive

Carbon is as Carbon does. In this episode let us find out how Carbon Dioxide residue from manufacturing processes can be utilized positively. This episode is a re-air from November9, 2021
Each year, industries such as Waste-to-Energy, Cement and Biomass for power generation, send millions of tonnes of thermal residues to landfill. At the same time, these thermal processes produce significant amounts of carbon dioxide that are released into the atmosphere. We talk with Maarten Van Roon, Chief Commercial Officer of Carbon8 Systems. Carbon8 Systems is the result of hard work and persistence of researchers – Dr Paula Carey and Prof. Colin Hills. Carbon8 Systems is the inventor and owner of a chemical process that treats industrial residues, including hazardous waste, using CO2 captured directly from flue gas to transform them into valuable low-carbon products. Through its innovation in engineering, has developed an on-site containerized solution that operates at industrial sites. Each CO₂ntainer can treat up to 12,000 tonnes of input residue material annually. The innovation views CO₂ and landfill destined residues as resource – ingredients, to engineer valuable, low-carbon products. Listen to learn more.

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13: Malai – There is More to Coconuts Than You Think!

The materials used to make a product is as important for sustainability as the practices around it. In this series, we discuss and discover various sustainable materials that have been developed. These materials could later be used in place of their more harmful and commonly used counter parts. Today we re-air our conversation with Susmith Susheel and Zuzana Gombosova from Malai. This episode is a re-air from December 30, 2019
Malai is a newly developed bio-composite material based on Bacterial Cellulose is grown on water from mature coconuts and natural fibers from the banana stem, hemp, and sisal. A duo of designers and material researchers Zuzana Gombosova and Susmith Susheel have for the last 2 years have been based in Kerala where they continue building a pilot manufacturing unit and working on improving material properties and manufacturing processes. The essence of Malai is to find beauty in all natural and design materials that can come from nature and safely return to it.

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46: IceWind – Extreme Energy Solutions

A very important aspect to building a sustainable home is how we source our energy. In this episode we had spoken to Robert Gerber who talks about how through wind energy we can reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. This episode is a re-air from January 27, 2021

We talk with Robert Gerber, of Icewind USA. Robert, a career diplomat, who had the opportunity to live in Iceland. Icewind is the premier manufacturer of compact vertical axis wind turbines for residential and commercial use. Utilizing durable materials for extremely long lifespans without maintenance and a combination of blades to provide low start-up speeds, lift, and constant power generation, IceWind’s turbines serve as a reliable renewable power solution in any environment.

IceWind formed in 2012 out of the necessity to create new, innovative renewable wind energy solutions to reduce global dependency on fossil fuels. Founded in the windy and harsh country of Iceland in the shell of an old coal power plant, CEO and Mechanical Engineer Sæþór Ásgeirsson began designing formidable turbines capable of withstanding hurricanes, blizzards, sleet, snow, hail, and almost any inclement weather conditions. After years of testing, fine-tuning, and improvements, Icewind is finally ready to implement turbines into windy, volatile regions across the entire United States.

Their goal is to making wind energy accessible to anyone, from windy neighborhoods to the most remote and harsh regions of the globe. We strive towards becoming a global impact leader, building a brighter future while cutting carbon emissions, one turbine at a time. Listen and learn.

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1: Our Sustainable Home – Eric Corey Freed – Living Centered Design

In this series Mindful Businesses – Our Sustainable Home, we will document the process and the choices a homeowner goes through in making their home sustainable. Not all choices are often ideal – it has to be a balance between what are the viable options available in the market, the cost and the associated capability in implementing the sustainable solutions. We reach out to our earlier guest who so eloquently shares his wisdom. Eric Corey Freed – a Leed Fellow, is the Director of Sustainability at Cannon Design, an architecture firm that creates living centered design, gives a step-by-step guide to make a home sustainable. In this episode we talk about the skeleton of the home – what are the construction methods to build a frame, insulation options and energy solutions. Learn more from the one and only one Eric Corey Freed.


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119: RheEnergise – High Density Hydro

Energy systems need to decarbonise to prevent climate change. There are many solutions to generate energy without using fossil-fuels, but renewable sources of energy are intermittent, depending on how long the sun shines, number of windy days per week – leading to a mismatch between supply and consumer demand. Energy needs to be stored to match the demand with the supply. Presently energy produced is stored in hydroelectric pumps by pumping it up and releasing it as demanded. RheEnergise is bringing innovation to pumped energy storage, with a solution called High-Density Hydro®. They use a fluid with 2.5x the density of water, that means they can generate 2.5 times the energy generated by water and they can be installed on small hills instead of mountains. This opens up a number of feasible locations to store this energy – sites where you are not dependent on rainfall or a water source and hills instead of mountains. Learn more of this fascinating invention that will help us decarbonize energy production from Stephen Crosher, CEO of RheEnergise.

#energystorage, #decarbonising, #sustainablenergy, #renewableenergy, #mindfulbusinessses

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17: Ricron Panels – Giving Value To Waste Plastics

Laminated film is used in a wide range of flexible packaging applications such as food pharma, personal care products, etc. and then disposed off. The annual production of laminates in India is expected to be over 1 million MT with a market growth rate of 15-20%. These are used in your potato chip bags, candy wrappers and varied every packaging solutions. Waste generated from laminates has no productive value as it is expensive to recycle and thus ends up in landfills. Ricron Panels recovers this non-recyclable waste and uses its proprietary technology to convert this waste into forms of sheets that are used as a building material. It creates a product that is a substitute for plywood and in fact at some ways even better. It is waterproof, rust proof, termite resistant, fire – retardant, heat resistant and best of all it is recyclable. It creates a circular economy. In this episode, we learn about this solution from the co-founder Rahul Choudhary of Ricron Panels where he talks about the process and motivation to found this business.
Join us on his journey, especially with our sustainable house underway.
This episode is a re-air from February 4, 2020

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118: Aquipor – Permeable Sustainable Concrete

In this episode we talk with Greg Johnson, co-founder and CEO of AquiPor. AquiPor’s unique permeable concrete material in conjunction with proprietary engineering technology can transform traditional hard surfaces into stormwater infiltration corridors.The technology utilizes inherently low carbon “cement” and upcycled industrial minerals. This new concrete technology eliminates the need for CO2 emitting cement plants.

AquiPor’s permeable concrete technology not only manages stormwater naturally, but our material utilizes an inherently low-carbon cement that requires a fraction of the energy and emits a fraction of the CO2 than that of traditional concrete. By developing solutions such as these, AquiPor is not only addressing climate change, but making our communities more resilient, but also bringing better economics to our physical infrastructure systems. Learn more in this episode of Mindful Businesses.


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49: Othalo – The Future of Housing

As we are in the process of building and moving into a Sustainable House, here is an interesting episode on building systems that utilize recycled plastic waste.
OTHALO™ has developed a patent-pending technology to manufacture building systems using recycled plastic waste. The main market is the developing world where there is a massive need for affordable houses, refugee shelters, temperature-controlled units for storage of food and medicines, camps (hospitals, schools, temporary living) for disasters and emergency situations.

Frank Cato Lahti, has been developing and testing the OTHALO™ technology in partnership with SINTEF in Trondheim and the University in Tromsø since 2014. The company was formally established and patent applications filed in 2019. After years of self-funding the development, OTHALO™ is now in a position to scale up the company, supported by UN-Habitat, global thought-leaders, and many engaged partners. Frank joins us from Vard, Norway, a town filled with legends of magic and the Northern Lights. Listen to his fascinating journey in this episode. This episode is a re-air from February 23, 2021

For more episodes go to our website:https://www.mindfulbusinessespodcast.com/podcast-1
To learn more about Othalo:

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117: Collective Crunch – AI Leader in Forestry

How do we know what forest comprises and value them? Presently the forests are inventoried using on the ground foresters data collected by them in 3-5 year cycles.This data collection is costly and often outdated with a large margin of error. Data is also collected by one – off scans, LIDAR and drones can be quickly outdated or has limited accuracy. Relying on conventional methods can lead to large errors in forest valuation, as these methods can be up to 60% inaccurate.

In this episode we talk with Rolf Schmitz, Co – CEO of Collective Crunch – AI Leader in Forestry. CollectiveCrunch originated from the idea that we could make a difference by combining climate and geo data with state-of-the-art analytics to develop new insights.Their mission is to change the world’s understanding of forests by providing the most accurate, scalable, timely analytics globally and enabling sustainable forestry and bring transparency to carbon trading markets. As we know Carbon trading essentially involves using carbon reductions in another activity to offset a company’s own emissions. Forestry is a popular and efficient method of capturing carbon and extracting carbon from the atmosphere. By applying the solutions offered by collective crunch to forests, gives companies upto date and accurate insights into their carbon stocks. Their tool Linda Planet makes carbon analytics transparent and provides you with up-to-date carbon inventories, giving corporate carbon investors the tool they need to enable investment on the scale required in order to mitigate the climate risks we are facing. Learn more how AI can be used to help us accurately buy carbon offsets in this episode.


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116: Rebellyous Foods – No Harm, No Fowl

The question we ask – why was meat production industrialized instead plant-based meat production. Plant based meat is far more eco-friendly that meat production. We speak with Christie Lagally, CEO of Rebellyous Foods, who states that most plant-based meat until now were primarily using processes and methods that were an extension of how we would make them in a kitchen. She got to rethink the chicken nugget from the ground up – and build a better one. This means tackling the insanely hard work of rethinking the way our food is made. Christie, an aerospace engineer and her team of talented engineers are developed the Mock Two – the most advanced plant-based meat manufacturing system on the planet, to make the best tasting nugget. Listen to her passion making a great tasting product along with her compassion for the planet and people.

#fortheplanet, #innovativematerials, #mindfulbusinesses, #planbasedfoods, #rebellyousfoods, #sustianablefoodproduction, #vegan, #vegetarian,

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